Effective Team Coaching Service to Boost Collaboration and Performance

At Passage2Pro, our Team Coaching Service helps you build cohesive, high-performing teams. Through personalized coaching, we enhance team dynamics, improve communication, and drive collective success.

Well, team coaching is the way to go and we can help! We help teams be the best they can be by working with them to understand what motivates them and how to get the most out of them. We work with organisations in all industries, from small businesses to large corporations.

“A happy team, working together with a purpose will take your business to the next level.”

~ Tina Persson, PhD

How we can help

We believe that Team coaching is an effective way to help you get to where you want to be on your career path, and we encourage your employees to take advantage of the opportunity if they are looking for guidance on their career development journey.

Create clear objectives and goals
Create clear objectives and goals for your team
Increase your teams' efficiency
Increase your teams' efficiency
Identify and develop high potential employees
Identify and develop high potential employees
Strengthen leadership skills of your team members
Strengthen leadership skills of your team members
Help team members value each others strengths and skills
Help team members value each others strengths and skills

With our expert coaching we can help build happy teams and in turn can build successful companies.

Contact us

How we work

team goals

Set clear goals and objectives


Pave the way to success

What people are saying

I must say that I highly recommend Tina Persson, Global ICF Leadership and Career Coach. She is exceptional in her coaching and training expertise and can unlock the true potential of high-performing executives. Tina has a proven track record of developing new leaders and helping companies build a strong leadership bench, making her the go-to choice for any company in need of a top-notch coach.

Robert Moment
ICF Certified Executive Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Coach

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I must say that I highly recommend Tina Persson, Global ICF Leadership and Career Coach. She is exceptional in her coaching and training expertise and can unlock the true potential of high-performing executives. Tina has a proven track record of developing new leaders and helping companies build a strong leadership bench, making her the go-to choice for any company in need of a top-notch coach.

Robert Moment
ICF Certified Executive Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Coach

I learned more about industry recruitment and applications during the coaching sessions with Tina, but even more importantly I learned a whole lot about myself. Tina has excellent people skills, which she naturally used to help me find the best fitting role for my personality. Conclusively, I learned that it's important to accept myself as an employee and have faith that the best fitting job is just around the corner. I definitely recommend to try out the coaching with Tina!

Dr. Julia
Research Scientist

I met Tina a few years ago during a Career Day organized at my university and, since then, I haven't stopped following her every time I had the opportunity. I attended her workshops, webinars, masterclasses, one-to-one strategic and professional coaching sessions, I listened to her podcasts, read her book, website and blog, finding in all of this an endless source of inspiration and encouragement. I admire Tina's professionalism, integrity and courage among other values that make her a true leader, career coach, and role model for anyone with potential that needs some help to be fully understood and expressed.

Donatella Puglisi
Associate Professor in Applied Physics

Tina’s experiences and consideration of alternatives were very helpful in understanding myself as the leader of my own career choices. In particular, Tina also ran an objective profiling – Birkman, which gave greater insights into my work behaviours both usual and under stress. It is very important to know how you work under both these conditions so you can choose places that match for you and avoid ones that don’t. For me it is important to have high levels of independence in certain areas, and Tina helped me to uncover that.

Peter Vella

Tina always spreads great energy around her. Tina has experiences both inside academia and outside academia and this was very valuable for me since she helped me to look for jobs opportunities outside academia. Tina has coached me when I wanted to get a job outside academia and after that things changed positively for me. She had given me great advices on how to change my CV, how to hunt for a job and great tips for jobs interviews. She is very attentive, good listener and very respectful.

Clara Duca, PhD

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